Monday, August 24, 2020

Complete Guide to Probability on SAT Math + Practice Questions

Complete Guide to Probability on SAT Math + Practice Questions SAT/ACT Prep Online Guides and Tips A likelihood question requests that you recognize how likely a specific occasion is to happen. How likely is it that you’ll choose a red marble from a pack? How likely is it that a specific individual will be picked out of a lottery? How likely is it that at least two occasions will both happen? These are only a portion of the a wide range of kinds of likelihood addresses you may experience on the SAT. This guide will take you through all parts of likelihood you’ll need to know for the SATexactly what likelihood implies, the regular likelihood questions you’ll see on the SAT math area, and the means expected to illuminate them. Before You Continue Likelihood addresses will appear on most SAT tests. By far most of SAT tests just have one inquiries out of the 58 math addresses absolute, despite the fact that you may periodically observe a test with zero or two likelihood questions. So plan your SAT math study prep in like manner. On the off chance that you are attempting to comprehend other central segments of the math test, similar to whole numbers or single variable conditions, you will need to turn your concentration there before you tackle this likelihood control. The most significant piece of reading for the SAT is to concentrate on subjects that show up the most. Along these lines, you can amplify your potential point gain per segment. Be that as it may, on the off chance that you as of now have a strong handle of the other major math subjects (or you just truly need to get familiar with this segment first), at that point let’s get splitting on likelihood! You'll learn SAT math tips and recipes to work through inquiries that manage possibility. Try not to stress I hear the likelihood of accomplishment is higher than you'd might suspect. I don't get Probability's meaning? $Probability = {desired outcome}/{all possible outcomes}$ Recollect this SAT math recipe! Requesting the likelihood of an occasion is a similar thing as requesting the â€Å"odds† of a specific occasion occurring. What's more, this likelihood is communicated as a small amount of: the probability of the occasion over all the results conceivable. So how likely is it that you’ll get tails on the off chance that you flip a coin? The odds are 1 of every 2. 1 for the quantity of results you need (tails) and 2 for the all out number of conceivable outcomes (heads and tails). Let’s investigate another model: There are ten understudies in the class. Consistently, the educator chooses an irregular understudy to delete the board. What are the chances that Student A will be chosen to clean the board today? The likelihood of Student A being chosen is $1/10$. The ideal result is 1 since Student An is just a single understudy. Also, there are 10 understudies all out, so there are 10 potential results (understudies to pick from). Presently what might occur on the off chance that we had more than one potential decision as our ideal result? What are the chances that either Student An or Student B will be chosen to clean the board today? The likelihood is presently $2/10$ (or $1/5$). Why? Since there are currently 2 potential understudies to browse, however the complete number of understudies is as yet 10. Since the likelihood of any occasion happening is communicated as a part, it implies that an occasion that will completely and doubtlessly happen has a likelihood of $1/1$ or 1. There is no higher possibility of it happening-this specific occasion will happen each and every time, as a general rule. A likelihood of a totally unimaginable occasion, be that as it may, will be 0 on the grounds that $0/x = 0$. You can likewise consider probabilities rates. In the event that I select a red marble from a sack at a likelihood of $1/5$, it implies that there is a 20% possibility that I will choose a red marble on the grounds that $1/5 = 0.2$ or 20%. I'm going to go with tails on this one. Either/Or Probability ${Probability of either event} = [{outcome A}/{ otal umber of outcomes}] + [{outcome B}/{ otal umber of outcomes}]$ (Note: this sort of likelihood is called â€Å"non-overlapping.† This implies the two occasions can't both occur simultaneously. There is an approach to discover an either/or likelihood for covering occasions, however you will never be approached to do this on the SAT, so it isn't in this guide) As we saw above with our case of various understudies chose aimlessly to clean a board, an either/or likelihood question asks how likely it is that both of at least two occasions will happen. This builds the chances of our ideal result since we couldn't care less which of the two occasions occur, just that one of them does. To take care of this sort of issue, we should subsequently include the likelihood of every individual occasion. Their total is the likelihood of either occasion occurring. What is the likelihood of drawing either an ace or a sovereign from a deck of cards? There are 4 aces in a deck of cards and 52 cards complete. In this manner, the likelihood of drawing an expert is $4/52 = 1/13$ (or 7.69%). There are additionally 4 sovereigns in a deck of cards. So the likelihood of drawing a sovereign is additionally $1/13$. So the likelihood of drawing either an expert or a sovereign is $1/13 + 1/13 = 2/13$ or 15.38%. There are sorts of likelihood addresses other than straightforward likelihood and either/or, yet these are the main two kinds of likelihood that the SAT tests. Restrictive Probability Occasionally, the SAT will hit you with a basic restrictive likelihood question. (I discovered one spread over every one of the 8 free SAT practice tests). Restrictive likelihood is the odds of an occasion (B) happening given that another occasion or condition (A) has just occurred or been satisfied. It's as yet straightforward likelihood wanted results over absolute results yet making sense of the right number of wanted versus all out results can be somewhat precarious. Here's a model: There are 100 individuals taking a shot at an exhibition: 52 artists, 12 phase professionals, and 36 artists. Among the artists, 14 are ballet performers, 20 are jazz artists, and 18 are present day artists. What is the likelihood of choosing a ballet performer from those taking a shot at the presentation, given that the individual chose is an artist? It may appear as though this is soliciting you the likelihood from choosing a ballet performer (of which there are 14) from everybody taking a shot at the exhibition (of which there are 100). However, it's soliciting you the likelihood from choosing a ballet performer from the artists, since we are tolerating as guaranteed (as a condition) that the individual we are arbitrarily choosing is an artist. We can tell this from the expression given that the individual chose is an artist. In this way, we should ascertain the likelihood of choosing a ballet performer (Event B) given condition A, that the individual we select will be from among the 52 artists. So the appropriate response is $14/52$. You can recognize restrictive likelihood questions since they will say given or some other word or expression to demonstrate that there is some precondition being met (given that, expecting, and so on.). Life would be better if there were an a lot higher likelihood of this really occurring Need to get familiar with the SAT yet wore out on perusing blog articles? At that point you'll adore our free, SAT prep livestreams. Structured and driven by PrepScholar SAT specialists, these live video occasions are an extraordinary asset for understudies and guardians hoping to become familiar with the SAT and SAT prep. Snap on the catch beneath to enroll for one of our livestreams today! Regular SAT Probability Questions Likelihood inquiries on the SAT will consistently be joined by a diagram or some likeness thereof. Here's a model from SAT Practice Test 1: Dreams Recalled During One Week: None 1-4 5+ Complete Gathering X 15 28 57 100 Gathering Y 21 68 100 Complete 36 39 125 200 The information in the table above were created by a rest analyst contemplating the quantity of dreams individuals review when approached to record their fantasies for multi week. Gathering X comprised of 100 individuals who watched early sleep times, and Group Y comprised of 100 individuals who watched later sleep times. On the off chance that an individual is picked aimlessly from the individuals who reviewed at any rate 1 dream, what is the likelihood that the individual had a place with Group Y? $68/100$ $79/100$ $79/164$ $164/200$ There's no either/or or given/accepting in the inquiry text, so we can finish up this is a straightforward likelihood question. This implies we are searching for two snippets of data: the quantity of wanted results over the all out number of results. How about we really start with our absolute number of results: the content says we are looking over the individuals who reviewed in any event 1 dream. So we have to make sense of the all out number of individuals (in either gathering) who reviewed at any rate 1 dream. That will be everybody in both Group X and Group Y from the 1-4 and 5+ segments of the table. $$28+57++68 = 164$$ So our all out number of results (or the all out number of individuals who recalled at least 1 dreams) is 164. You could likewise take a gander at the Sums column at the base and include $39+125$ if that is simpler for you. Presently we have to know the quantity of wanted results. The inquiry pose to us the likelihood that our irregular decision from the gathering of individuals who recollected 1+ dreams is in Group Y. So what number of Group Y people are in our gathering of 164 individuals who recalled at any rate one dream? We can make sense of this by including the Group Y cells in the 1-4 and 5+ segments: $$+68 = 79$$ Our number of wanted results, at that point, is 79. On the off chance that we put our ideal results (79) over our all out results (164) at that point we get $79/164$. Subsequently, the appropriate response is C. I by one way or another don't think the chances are that much in support of myself in this game.... The most effective method to Solve a Probability Question: SAT Math Strategies You will know whether you are being requested a likelihood question on the SAT on the grounds that there will be an outline and the difficult will approach you for the likelihood of, the extent of, or the chances of at least one occasions occurring. At the point when you see those words, follow these two basic strides to explaining a likelihood question:

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Is it possible for employees to be provided with an effective voice Essay

Is it workable for representatives to be furnished with a powerful voice inside an association seeking after unitary Human Resource Management arrangements and practices - Essay Example ice can likewise allude to the two-path correspondence between the businesses and workers which whenever oversaw appropriately can decrease both leave expenses and exchange costs for both the gatherings in question. In this manner, in the current situation, worker voice has risen as a sort of authoritative instrument of administration which causes common advantages for the business and representative gatherings. This report manages the investigation of the possibility that whether the utilization of unitary human asset the executives practices and strategies inside an association can bolster the spread of the voice of the representatives of the association. The conversation incorporates a conventional meaning of the term worker voice and the examination of the various ways and systems of proliferating the voice of the representatives in an authoritative setting. The different formal and casual instruments of advancing representative voice are contemplated and investigated regarding the unitary technique for human asset the board. The review of the unitary techniques for human asset the board is talked about alongside the focal points and inadequacies of the unitary HRM approach when contrasted with the pluralist HRM approach. Additionally, the significance of worker voice in contemporary business associations, the tradeoffs among vote based system and control, and the different inner and out er variables influencing the voice of representatives in an organization just as the administration approaches identified with representative voice in various nations are contemplated and broke down. The connection between representative association and worker cooperation and authoritative development and achievement is likewise addressed in the report. For an appropriate examination, correlations are drawn between the unitary and the pluralist human asset the board approaches by dissecting the advantages and disadvantages of both the methodologies. The report is reasonably closed by deriving whether the unitary point of view of human asset the board is pertinent in the contemporary association concerning representative relations

Saturday, July 25, 2020

Fresha Trading Arm vs Family of the Bereaved Employees as a Civil and Case Study

Fresha Trading Arm vs Family of the Bereaved Employees as a Civil and Case Study Fresha Trading Arm vs Family of the Bereaved Employees as a Civil and Criminal Case â€" Case Study Example > The paper “ Fresha Trading Arm vs Family of the Bereaved Employees as a Civil and Criminal Case”   is a thrilling version of a   case study on the law. The law provides guidelines by which society lives by ensuring harmony and cohesion. The law aids in the nabbing of any criminal who violates the stipulated framework. Criminal law is a remarkable body of law that entirely handles crime. Criminal law regulates the act or omissions of an individual that would threaten, endanger, or even harm the lives or health of other people (Garland, McEwan 2012). On the other hand, criminal law differs from civil law as civil law concentrates on dispute resolution while criminal law concentrates on deterrence and retribution. However, any person who violates the criminal law doctrines, encounter serious consequences. Criminal law has five main objectives which include; retribution, incapacitation, restoration, rehabilitation, and deterrence. Criminal law has some elements which include; pr oof of a guilty act and the intent or the guilty mind. The guilty act revolves around the physical element in the crime. This would include a threat, action, omission to act. The person who permeates the physical action has to have a legal duty of care that arises through various means. The legal duty of care comes to be through a legal contract, a blood relation, a voluntary undertaking or through one’ s official position. On the other hand, a guilty mind implies that the wrongdoer had the intent to commit the crime (Criminal law 2012). This indicates that the crime had a motive, and this is evident as the wrongdoer is aware of the consequences of the actions but decides to go ahead. Strict liability accompanies the doctrine of the guilty mind. For any criminal case to hold a watertight case before a judge, the intent has to eminent. The intention of this paper is to illustrate the breaches laws, and the avenues open to the defendant’ s family. In addition, the evidence requi red before a state judge and how the company accused will defend itself against the allegations. The Fresha bakery and harvest time Ltd is commonly known as Fresha’ s trading arm are facing charges under the health and safety at work Act. Employment is a legal contract binding both the employee and the employer. This implies that the employment contract is enforceable by law in case of any discrepancies. In addition to the common law doctrines governing employment, law practitioners have an employment code of conduct. The employees' code of conduct seeks to regulate the employment contract and enhance the employees' rights and freedoms. The health and safety Act approve a code of practice with certain practical regulations. These regulations thoroughly define the employment contract in totality. The provisions of the health and safety act clearly define the place of work, the employer, the premises, the plant, and equipment as well as the employees (Klein Grobey 2012). The fundamental objective relayed by the health and safety Act is the provision that each and every employee has a duty to ensure that the place of work is safe. This implies that the employer has to have the welfare of the employees in mind and ensure that their health is not at any risk whatsoever. The health and safety Acts bind the employer to provide a safe working environment away from any hazards. Additionally, in the case of imminent danger, the employer has to relay efficient information to employees and provide them with safety equipment. On the other hand, the employees have to take sufficient care to negate any health risks. This implies that the employees have to avoid any risky situations to the best of their ability and knowledge.

Friday, May 22, 2020

My Personal Statement On Computer Science - 1398 Words

Change your life from making a living to making a difference. This statement has always been my inspiration in life. My aim in life is to contribute something to the world in the most significant way so that I make a difference to people’s lives. For this purpose, I feel merely obtaining an undergraduate degree will not be sufficient to thrive. A Master’s degree in Computer Science from State University of New York at Buffalo will provide enough opportunities to add to my intellectual knowledge and will be first step towards my lifelong ambition of creating something innovative and making a difference. Computers have become an integral part of our lives today. This is what makes it one of the most interesting fields as it not only meets the needs but also has the power to create new needs, rules and total environment of its own. Computer technology has a life, inventiveness and a liveliness that is enticing. My decision to focus on a career in Computer Science was a logical culmination of my fascination for computers. It was in schooling that I encountered C Programming, which was a part of my curriculum. I was awestruck looking at the power of code. I understood how a large amount computation is required to program even a small task. Soon I started participating in Computer Science Olympiads and won prizes for the same. I was chosen to become the Computer Science Club Secretary of my school in my 9th and 10th grade. In addition to this, I was also awarded the BestShow MoreRelatedMy Personal Statement On Computer Science1458 Words   |  6 Pagesprocesses. My inquisitiveness is what has fuelled my academic career, and I hope it will be the trait that I can rest most of my future education too. I am keen to learn more in the field of Computer Science to further my career once I am geared with an extensive and wholesome knowledge base. 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Friday, May 8, 2020

Does Immigration Contribute to a Better America Essays

Does Immigration Contribute to a Better America? â€Å"Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, the wretched refuse of your teeming shore. Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed to me; I lift my lamp beside the golden door! American Jewish poet, Emma Lazarus, wrote the sonnet entitled â€Å"The New Colossus† which, today is engraved on a bronze plaque and mounted inside the Statue of Liberty. The message portrayed by Lazarus’s poem is to the millions of immigrants who came to the United States (most through Ellis Island at the port of New York). Although the initial creation of the Statue of Liberty was not one to symbolize immigration, with the help of Lazaruss poem, Miss Liberty became the unofficial†¦show more content†¦America is known as the land of second chances, the land of the free, the land of opportunity, the melting pot because there are so many people from different countries and cultures all blended together. They add diversity to the nation and give us a better understanding of different cultures by living side by side with Americans. The religions and ideas brought to this one country from several other countries allows us to be one of the few countries where everyone else wants to be. Foreigners with different ideas, perspectives, and experiences add something extra to the mix. Although immigrants subsidize the United States in various ways, one of the few defects is that once they attempt to adapt to what are nation has already become, they slip up and fail in making their new home somewhat similar to their old one. Nonetheless, undocumented immigrants are enlisted as the 5% of total United States labor force and at least a quarter of the workers in industries such as construction, agriculture, grounds keeping, meat processing, and textile production. From Italian to Irish, immigrants contributed to our country in countless ways. From their traditions, their techniques in religion, entertainment, food, architecture, and holidays. In reference to the Irish, for example, an Irish immigrant by the name of Humphrey O’Sullivan received the first patent for rubber heels for shoes inShow MoreRelatedDoes Immigration Contribute to a Better America1093 Words   |  5 PagesDoes Immigration Contribute to a Better America? Ever since this country was first discovered and settled, people from countries all over the world left their homelands and migrated to the â€Å"New World†. People from Spain, Germany, France, England and Asia traveled great distances to reach a new land of opportunity, to perhaps escape religious persecution or tyrant rulers. For centuries America has been viewed as a place for a fresh start, a place where anybody can come and begin a new life and followRead MoreImmigration Reform And The Immigration Boom Essay1307 Words   |  6 Pagesmen and women wear different clothes.† This does not look like my old town. No, it does not, I responded. Since you went to sleep, we had what you could call an immigration boom. Now in your old town we have people from many parts of the world. What you see here is the result of immigration reforms, which helps boost the economy, create diversity, and cause cultural enrichment.† RIP if I may call you RIP let me tell you about what immigration is, better yet, let me tell you about immigrants. At theRead MoreIllegal Immigration Is The Entry Of Non Us909 Words   |  4 Pages â€Å"Illegal immigration is the entry of non-U.S. citizens into the United States without their having applied for entry at one of the many border crossings† (Illegal Immigration 9). There are numerous ways that illegal immigrants travel into the United States. The most common forms of entry are through Canada and Mexico. However, illegal immigration did not used to exist. In fact, immigration without applying to enter into the country was allowed in the United States at the beginning of 1655. OverRead More Immigration and Immigrants in America Essay1385 Words   |  6 PagesImmigration and Immigrants in America Most Americans place their pride in being apart of a country where a man can start at the bottom and work his way to the top. We also stress the fact that we are â€Å"all created equal† with â€Å"certain unalienable rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness.† (Jefferson 45) During the early 1900s white Americans picked and chose who they saw fit to live in America and become an American. â€Å"Those that separate the desirable from the undesirableRead MoreThe Land Of Opportunity : Immigrants1509 Words   |  7 PagesThe Land of Opportunity Immigrants created America, a nation that has embraced immigration. Throughout the years, America developed its â€Å"American Dream† concept, which states that anyone can succeed in the United States as long as that person works hard and does gives up. That concept, hope or dream attracts thousands of individuals, many of which leave their native countries with their hearth full of hope and the illusion of reaching and living the â€Å"American Dream.† However, the wonderful dreamRead MoreA Nation Of Immigrants By John F. Kennedy1262 Words   |  6 Pagesimmigrants. Immigrants have strengthened the United states by boosting the revenue of American businesses and raising the job opportunities for American workers. The contribution of immigrants strengthening the U.S economy has led the nation to favor immigration, that is if the process of citizenship is done correctly and legally. In the book â€Å"A Nation of Immigrants† by John F. Kennedy states â€Å" Ever y ethnic minority, in seeking its own freedom, helped strengthen the fabric of liberty in American Life.†Read MoreWhy We Need Immigration Reform1168 Words   |  5 Pages Why we need immigration reform Immigration is important to America and so is Immigration reform. The laws we have in place are unfair and unsuccessful to all of us. In order to progress we need to look at our country’s past to advance in our future. Our economy and society can learn and advance with immigration reform. Our laws on Immigration need an upgrade and most politicians would agree that we need immigration reform also. Immigration reform is the renewal of our immigration laws, but littleRead MoreWhy We Need Immigration Reform1168 Words   |  5 Pages Why we need immigration reform Immigration is important to America and so is Immigration reform. The laws we have in place are unfair and unsuccessful to all of us. In order to progress we need to look in our country’s past to advance to our future. Our economy and society can learn and advance with immigration reform. Our laws on Immigration need an upgrade and most politicians would agree that we need immigration reform also. Immigration reform is the renewal of our immigration laws, but littleRead MoreU.s. Diplomats Work With Other Agencies And Countries1207 Words   |  5 Pagespeople everywhere (â€Å"How does the US department of State engage with other Countries?†). The United States reaches out to other countries as well, even if they cannot let a certain number of immigrants into the country. Providing particular countries with helpful organizations from the United States, is an influential way to start preventing illegal immigration. If the United States flourish well there should not be an excuse to not help provide for people around the world. It does not mean illegal immigrants

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Dangerous Technology Free Essays

English 1010 5 October 2012 Dangerous Technology Many people have one. Some have more than one. Odds are pretty good that yours is within reaching distance right now. We will write a custom essay sample on Dangerous Technology or any similar topic only for you Order Now â€Å"What is it? †, you may ask. The answer is simple: the almighty cell phone. Although cell phones allow easy and quick communication, they are starting to create problems in today’s society: they distract drivers, they interrupt social interaction, and society is unaware of any long term medical issues they could create. One of the most dangerous issues with cell phones is people using them while driving. A distracted driver is a dangerous driver. If someone is reading or sending a text, or even talking on the phone, they are not paying full attention to the road, making it hazardous for themselves and those around them. It has become enough of an issue that many states have passed laws that make using a cell phone while operating a motor vehicle illegal. It is a severe issue with inexperienced drivers, who need as few distractions as possible. Many schools are even stepping up and asking students to pledge not to use their cell phones while driving. Although they are an amazing piece of technology, they are beginning to create social barriers in today’s society. They allow us to always be connected to one another, which is creating a social dependency on being connected. Cell phones are replacing face to face communication. There’s no need to make time in our schedules for people we consider important because they are just a text message away. Many people can’t go without their phones for fear of missing out. It’s like an unspoken anxiety problem. Because of this dependency, cell phones are becoming distractions in social settings. So much that even movie theatres ask their guest to please silence or turn off their cell phones for the presentation. There are some who can’t even be without them to watch a ninety minute movie, for which they paid a pretty penny to see. Just as there are some who can’t make it through dinner with friends without making a call, checking their messages, or even utilizing them for social media sites. At the first hint of boredom in a social setting, people turn to their phones to find a source of entertainment. We’re becoming a society addicted to technology. Cell phones are a fairly new technology really. We do not know if there are long-term, adverse effects of carrying around something that receives and emits satellite signals. They are electronic devices, meaning they emit electricity. Electronic devices are known to produce electromagnetic radiation, something often linked to cancer and tumors. Granted, currently there is no proof directly linking cell phones to cancer. This is just one of issues with cell phones we should be weary of. It’s a potential wolf in sheep’s skin, if you will. Cell phones are seemingly harmless, but who is to say that in another twenty years or so there won’t be widespread cases of cancers all linked to consistent, direct contact of electromagnetic radiation. In conclusion, cell phones are an amazing piece of technology that need to be used more cautiously. Countless vehicle accidents occur every year due to a driver who was distracted by his or her cell phone. Society should learn to make more time for interpersonal relationships, instead of depending on a piece of technology to communicate. Lastly, we should be weary of the effects that could come from carrying around electromagnetic radiation for extended periods of time. How to cite Dangerous Technology, Papers

Monday, April 27, 2020

Tax Return Cover Letter free essay sample

The original should be signed and dated by a corporate officer and mailed on or before March 15, 2012, to the following address: Department of the Treasury Internal Revenue Service Cincinnati, OH 45999-0012 The corporations federal return reflects a balance due of $1,430,000. Federal estimated tax payment amounts have been prepared for the 2012 tax year. Please submit each payment on or before the due date. The corporations federal estimate details by quarter are as follows: 1st Quarter : $357,500 due on April 17, 2012 2nd Quarter : $357,500 due on June 15, 2012 3rd Quarter : $357,500 due on September 17, 2012 4th Quarter : $357,500 due on December 17, 2012 If the corporation uses the Electronic Federal Tax Payment System (EFTPS) to make federal tax deposits, it MUST use EFTPS to make this corporate tax payment. Otherwise, file Form 8109, Federal Tax Deposit Coupon, with the payment. If a preprinted coupon is not available, use Form 8109-B; this form can be obtained by calling (800) 829-4933 or visiting an IRS taxpayer assistance center. We will write a custom essay sample on Tax Return Cover Letter or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Be ready to provide the corporations Employer Identification Number (EIN) when you call or visit. Make the check or money order payable to an authorized depositary (commercial bank or other financial institution authorized to accept federal tax deposits). Write the corporations EIN and 2011 Form 1120 on the check or money order, and submit the payment and completed coupon to the authorized depositary. If preferred, Fleming Products Inc may instead mail the coupon and payment making the check or money order payable to Financial Agent. Do not send payments directly to an IRS office; otherwise, Fleming Products Inc may have to pay a penalty. Thank you for the opportunity to be of service.

Thursday, March 19, 2020

What contributions has South Park made to the development essays

What contributions has South Park made to the development essays What contributions has South Park made to the development of the comedy cartoon genre from The Simpsons to Family Guy? Adults and cartoons, are more closely related than you think, as a lot of adults watch cartoons just for the fun of it, anything from Roadrunner to modern day classics such as The Simpsons, but what of those that aim themselves squarely at the adult audience? These are few and far between, probably because of the controversy they can cause. Cartoons are categorised as the domain of children and if the target audience isnt children then they still attract children, as they are cartoons. So adult cartoons are claimed to be aimed at children, even when they arent. South Park revels in this sort of controversy. South Park being a comedy cartoon that has been around since 1999. It has taken on a similar role to that of the well known The Simpsons, in the way that its part of the same genre except its not aimed at kids, though in the case of The Simpsons it is aimed at kids but also the family and the older audience. This is claimed to be the reason of success for The Simpsons, that its aimed at everyone old and young. As South Park is on similar lines but strongly aimed at adults it still uses many of the genre characteristics in The Simpsons. My research will explore whether South Park has developed the genre and if so in what ways? In doing this I will have to study The Simpsons, the original American cartoon comedy which started running in the early 1990s. Also Family Guy which has had only three series but is a great example of the cartoon comedy genre which has been influenced by the likes of South Park and The Simpsons, South Park mainl...

Tuesday, March 3, 2020

Pigment Definition and Chemistry

Pigment Definition and Chemistry A pigment is a substance that appears a certain color because it selectively absorbs wavelength of light. While many materials possess this property, pigments with practical applications are stable at normal temperatures and have a high tinting strength so only a small amount is needed to see the color when its used on objects or mixed with a carrier. Both pigments and dyes absorb light to appear a certain color. In contrast, luminescence is a process by which a material emits light. examples of luminescence include phosphorescence, fluorescence, chemiluminescence, and bioluminescence. Pigments that either fade or else blacken over time or with extended exposure to light are called fugitive pigments. The earliest pigments came from natural sources, such as charcoal and ground minerals. Paleolithic and Neolithic cave paintings indicate carbon black, red ochre (iron oxide, Fe2O3), and yellow ochre (hydrated iron oxide, Fe2O3 ·H2O) were known to prehistoric man. Synthetic pigments came into use as early as the 2000 BCE. White lead was made by mixing lead and vinegar in the presence of carbon dioxide. Egyptian blue (calcium copper silicate) came from glass colored using malachite or another copper ore. As more and more pigments were developed, it became impossible to keep track of their composition. In the 20th century, the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) developed standards for characteristics and testing of pigments. The Colour Index International (CII) is a published standard index that identifies each pigment according to its chemical composition. Over 27,000 pigments are indexed in the CII schema. Pigment Versus Dye A pigment is a substance that is either dry or else insoluble in its liquid carrier. A pigment in liquid forms a suspension. In contrast, a dye is either a liquid colorant or else dissolves in a liquid to form a solution. Sometimes a soluble dye may be precipitated into a metal salt pigment. A pigment made from a dye in this manner is called a lake pigment (e.g., aluminum lake, indigo lake). Pigment Definition in the Life Sciences In biology, the term pigment is defined somewhat differently, where a pigment refers to any colored molecule found in a cell, regardless of whether or not it is soluble. So, although hemoglobin, chlorophyll, melanin, and bilirubin (as examples) dont fit the narrow definition of pigment in science, they are biological pigments. In animal and plant cells, structural color also occurs. An example may be seen in butterfly wings or peacock feathers. Pigments are the same color no matter how they are viewed, while structural color depends on the viewing angle. While pigments are colored by selective absorption, structural color results from selective reflection. How Pigments Work Pigments selectively absorb wavelengths of light. When white light strikes a pigment molecule, there are different processes that can lead to absorption. Conjugated systems of double bonds  absorb light in some organic pigments. Inorganic pigments may absorb light by electron transfer. For example, vermilion absorbs light, transferring an electron from the sulfur anion (S2-) to a metal cation (Hg2). The charge-transfer complexes remove most colors of white light, reflecting or scattering back the remainder to appear as a certain color. Pigments absorb or subtract wavelengths and do not add to them like luminescent materials do. The spectrum of the incident light affects the appearance of a pigment. So, for example, a pigment wont appear quite the same color under sunlight as it would under fluorescent lighting because a different range of wavelengths are left to be reflected or scattered. When the color of a pigment is represented, the lab light color used to take the measurement must be stated. Usually this is 6500 K (D65), which corresponds to the color temperature of sunlight. The hue, saturation, and other properties of a pigment depend on other compounds that accompany it in products, such as binders or fillers. For example, if you purchase a color of paint, it will appear different depending on the formulation of the mixture. A pigment will look different depending on whether its final surface is glossy, matte, etc. The toxicity and stability of a pigment are also affected by other chemicals in a pigment suspension. This is of concern for tattoo inks and their carriers, among other applications. Many pigments are highly toxic in their own right (e.g., lead white, chrome green, molybdate orange, antimony white). List of Important Pigments Pigments may be classified according to whether they are organic or inorganic. Inorganic pigments may or may not be metal-based. Here is a list of some key pigments: Metallic Pigments cadmium pigments -  cadmium red, cadmium yellow, cadmium orange, cadmium green, cadmium sulfoselenidechromium pigments -  chrome yellow, viridian (chrome green)cobalt pigments -  cobalt blue, cobalt violet, cerulean blue,  aureolin  (cobalt yellow)copper pigments -  azurite, Egyptian blue, malachite, Paris green, Han purple, Han blue,  verigris, phthalocyanine green G, phthalocyanine blue BNiron oxide pigments -  red ochre, Venetian red, Prussian blue, sanguine, caput mortuum, oxide redlead pigments -  red lead, lead white,  cremnitz  white, Naples yellow, lead-tin yellowmanganese pigment -  manganese violetmercury pigment -  vermilliontitanium pigments -  titanium white, titanium black, titanium yellow, titanium beigezinc pigments -  zinc white, zinc ferrite Other Inorganic Pigments carbon pigments -  carbon black, ivory blackclay  earths  (iron oxides)ultramarine pigments (lapis lazuli) -  ultramarine, ultramarine green Organic Pigments biological pigments -  alizarin, alizarin crimson, gamboge, cochineal red, rose madder, indigo, Indian yellow, Tyrian purplenonbiological organic pigments -  quinacridone, magenta,  diarylide  yellow, phthalo blue, phthalo green, red 170

Saturday, February 15, 2020

The Banatao Brothers Build Boards for the Green Wave Assignment

The Banatao Brothers Build Boards for the Green Wave - Assignment Example 1.2 Cost In USA cost of any entrepreneur to run the shop is at least $400 while average hourly manufacturing cost for Asian competitors is $2.50. Minimum purchase price for polyurethane board in the country is around $300 but Asian competitors can manufacture the same product at five times a cheaper price. 1.3 Stringent Business Environment Domestic surf board entrepreneurs are searching headway to compete against cheap import from Asia but till now there is no sign of relief for them. In 2005, surfboard blanks a domestic manufacturer closed their business due to stringent cost competition from Asian counterparts. Government announced hike in the raw material cost to manufacture due untamable recession started in 2007. Clark Foam was the major supplier of polyurethane blanks for surfboard manufacturers but after recession price of polyurethane blank has increased. In this condition Clark Foam ceased production in the year 2007. After the closure of Clark Foam, small and midsized entr epreneurs do not have any choice but close business due to zero inventory of polyurethane blanks inventory. At that time big players banked on existing polyurethane blanks inventory while the condition was perfect storm for small entrepreneurs like Banatao Brothers due to various reasons like loss of main supplier, low priced import from Asia and slump in bottom line. Domestic sales volume for surf board manufacturers has decreased ten percent in last five years due to low cost import from Asia (Rizzo). 2.0 Support Required for Entrepreneur & Source of Support 2.1 Import Quota According to Professor Hill, import quota can be described as direct restraint on quantity of imported goods. Import quota is directly connected with issuing import license to business organization or individual. For example, Federal Government can create trade barriers for Asian competitors by setting annual import limit for polyurethane blanks and other surf board materials. In this way government can help s mall entrepreneurs from international competition and domestic big players (Hill 205-210). 2.2 Environmentally Friendly Materials Banatao Brothers have planned to manufacture Entropy surfboard with sugar beet foam core that is wrapped in hemp cloth instead of a polyurethane foam core encased in fiberglass. This is a green initiative by them and they need further research on creating bio surfboard. They can take help of various university research scholars having expertise in green technology. Further research on chemical composition of sugar beet foam core might help them to create more diversified product line in future. The company is currently taking help from Bayer Corporation but in future taking help from USA universities will decrease their cost on research & development (Boone, and Kurtz 33). 3.0 Lifestyle Changes and Opportunity 3.1 What Customers Buy Surfing industry is worth of $7 billion and its business pattern is constantly evolving with respect to customer demand. In recent years customers of USA are showing their back to petrochemical based surfing board material due to its poor durability in contrast to

Sunday, February 2, 2020

HUMAN GROWTH BEHAVIOUR (SOCIAL WORK) Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

HUMAN GROWTH BEHAVIOUR (SOCIAL WORK) - Essay Example role confusion, intimacy vs. isolation, generatively vs. stagnation and ego integrity vs. despair. According to the theory, successful completion of these stages will ensure a positive personality (Erikson, 1995). J. Bowlby who is known as the father of attachment theory (Cherry, n.d) first created the attachment theory. According to Bowlby, attachment needs begin when a child is born and continues throughout his life. The infant develops his first attachment with his mother who is the first and most important caretaker. A child has natural instincts to explore the world, but if while exploring he encounters a danger; he will take refuge by coming back to his mother for security. Moreover, discipline must be the main part of a child is training otherwise it will affect his future (Barnes, 2004). Bowbly discovered that the infants who had a strong bond with their mothers, had high IQ levels, strong self-esteem and performed well at school. The infant develops a sense of security and has a positive impact later on his life. Another renowned psychologist Mary Ainsworth later extended Bowbly’s theory by stating the main styles of attachments; secure attachment, ambivalent-insecure attachment, disorganized attachment and avoid-insecure attachment (Holms, 1993). Ambivalent-insecure attachment refers to a situation when a child becomes extremely insecure when the parent leaves, this happens due to the unavailability of a parent. In Avoid attachment, the infant tries to avoid or distance the caregiver and may easily trust a complete stranger. The reason for such behavior is the result of abusive parenting styles. In disorganized style of parenting, a child may both avoid and trust a parent, thus it results in disorganized behavior in child. Hence, attachment theory is very useful in understanding a relationship not only between a mother and child but also between adult partners. Mary is 45 years old and is in relationship with a man for more

Saturday, January 25, 2020

Teenage Addiction to the Internet

Teenage Addiction to the Internet Research Topic Teenagers and Internet Thesis Teenagers’ time on the internet is increasing day by day and it’s becoming a bad addiction, so it’s the duty of their parents to have proper checks on them and find ways to reduce the time spent on internet. SUPPORT Section 1 Health of the teenager. Idea 1 -Time spent on the internet. Sources Idea 2 -Adequate sleep routine. Idea 1- (Charles, 2010) Studies has indicated that several parents are investing a lot of time and money on how to keep their teenagers from spending or wasting most of their time on the computer and the internet. Idea 2- (Norbert, 2010) If a teen likes to play online video games, there are chances that he may not be alone. It should be noted, that a teen does not extensively misses many social opportunities or spending almost a day in a week in the online gaming arena, there might be something wrong. It should be noted that how much exactly your teenager is spending time on the internet. Idea 3- (Ilyas, 2012) It is the duty of the parents to have a check on their teenagers’ health and appearance. To notice possible impacts on their health good or bad, and then decide what needs to be done as their next step. Idea 4- (John, 2010) Teenagers should be more encouraged to participate in outdoor activities and not just sit on the internet and waste their time because spending too much time on the internet badly affects teenagers’ health and involving in other outdoor activities contribute to advancement in health. Idea 3 -Possible impacts Idea 4 -Alternatives SUPPORT Section 2 Are the teenagers’ giving enough time to their parents? Possible impacts on the relationship? Idea 1 -Teenagers’ space. Sources Idea 2 -The environment. Idea 1- (Charles, 2010) If your teenager is using extensive internet and you know about it because you are concerned, approach him/her as you are friends, don’t push too hard that they start hiding things from their parents. Idea 2- (Ilyas, 2012) Parents should start off by setting a fixed time allowed to use the internet or their teenager. They should be responsible of regularly checking what their teenagers are doing on the internet. Spending too much hours on the internet should discouraged by the parents. Idea 3- (Norbert, 2010) Joint efforts should be made by both parents and teenagers. It’s the responsibility of teenagers’ to win the confidence of their parents so that they share a relation of trust and things do not get out of hands. Idea 4- (Russ, 2014) Freedom is everyone’s right and it should be given to the teenagers but it should also be noticed that too much freedom spoils the teenager, like too much freedom on using the internet should not be granted by parents. There is always a limit to everything. Idea 3 -Teenagers’ responsibility. Idea 4 -Freedom. SUPPORT Section 3 Social problem that arises when teenagers’ are addicted to the internet. Idea 1 -Opportunities Sources Idea 2 -The goods and negatives Idea 1- (John, 2010) Experts have concluded that more than 90% of the teenagers agree with the fact that internet has made their life convenient and they really need it. Additionally, it was also stated without internet a teenagers’ life becomes non-social, no information about what is going on and they cannot even shop online. Teenagers’ want internet in their lives to connect with people and they are unaware of the fact that wasting too much time is draining out their energy which could be spend somewhere more productive. Idea 2- (Norbert, 2010) Taking account all of the activities that teenagers are doing on the internet, parents should be able to identify when the time to set limits on the use of the internet is or when their teen’s habit is turning into a bad addiction. However, it could be argued that there are teenagers who would use internet to assist them in their studies and as the time has passed more and more teenagers are using internet to earn money. Using internet can either build a teenager’s life or destroy it. Idea 3- (Charles, 2010) Parents these days have become more concern about their children turning teenagers, and as the time is passing their addiction with the internet are increasing time to time. Parents are the only people who can take care of this problem involving their teenagers’ life. Idea 4- (Norbert, 2010) It is good that your teenager is actively taking parts in social activities and making a lot of friends but at the same time there is something that needs to be considered that not everyone on social platforms using internet can be trusted and this may lead to destroying your teenagers’ life because there are many cases of such nature. Idea 3 -Solution to the problem. Idea 4 -Social life. COUNTERARGUMENTS What are the possible effects of internet? Idea 1 -Internet and Positivity. Sources Rebuttal -Teenagers’ productivity using internet. Idea 1- Russ, W. (2014) Internet has become more than just a resource and is not capable of making people earn using the internet in their house and this can be considered a very positive effect on a teenager who is earning through the use of the internet. Idea- 2 (John, 2010) Teenagers as of today has access to numerous of services easily obtainable on the computer with the help of the internet. Teenagers of today have stopped using telephone and they are more comfortable using instant messaging or chatting. They prefer posting their photos in MySpace and share them with thousands of friend, mostly of them are friend they haven’t met. They have all the information and the news using the internet on their smartphones. Idea 3- (Ilyas, 2012) Using extensive internet can destroy the life of a teenager. Internet is a resource with numerous possibilities and people around the world are actually using this in the most illegal way. So, it is the duty of the parents to have certain checks as their teenager does not get involved in any sort of illegal activity. Idea 2 Internet and virtual information. Rebuttal -Having knowledge and information is a good thing, actually it is considered as a skill in a teenager to be active and know about what’s going on but it should be always noted that this thing does not get out of hands for example having information of illegal stuff or activity or even getting involved in one using the internet. Idea 3 -Negative effects Rebuttal You cannot just stop your teenager from using internet because this would be inappropriate. However, if you sense some suspicion in your teenagers’ activities then you can confront him/her and make them aware of the possible consequences. Sources Charles, L. (2010). Teenagers, Computers Internet. Retrieved from,-Computers-and-Internetid=3619685 Ilyas, G. (2012). Teenagers cannot survive without Internet (Essay). Retrieved from John, W. (2010). Teenagers and Internet Use Teens Outsmart Parents. Retrieved from Norbert, G. (2010). Your Teenager and the Internet The Good, the Bad and the Ugly. Retrieved from,-the-Bad-and-the-Uglyid=3758823 Russ, W. (2014). Without WiFi, Life Would End (aka Teen Internet Addiction). Retrieved from

Friday, January 17, 2020

Is Google Making Us Stupid – Reading Response

According to Carr’s article, I noticed that the Internet has obviously influenced human’s life nowadays. Now, we prefer to obtain information easily and quickly without any intention of understanding it first. We are likely will not try to read the information thoroughly anymore because the Internet has served all information instantaneously. I also noticed about what Carr said about the Internet changed the way we think because unconsciously the Internet serves us all answers swiftly. This convenience makes us easily losing our focus on reading a long article.People now tend to skim rather than to read and understand the whole article, which means it is the beginning of the Internet’s bad effect. It made me think that Internet has become something crucial in our life that maybe we cannot live without its existence because of our â€Å"addiction† of it. Also, it made me think that the Internet could affect our brain, and maybe it could reprogram our brain. Personally, I use Internet very often, and after I read Carr’s article, I realize that Internet has got into me.I used to find information through books or newspaper but now I barely touch those things anymore because why do I have to bother myself to read a long article instead I can use the Internet which give me all information that I need. Other than that, it is hard to focus on reading a book because it forces us to think deeper. According to Cascio, that kind of abnormality called â€Å"continuous partial attention-deficit disorder†. It means that it is hard for someone to engage in deep or in other word to think deeply about anything. This disorder really explains what Carr’s thought that Internet could mitigate our concentration.As Carr wrote in his article, â€Å"The Internet, an immeasurably powerful computing system, is subsuming most of our other intellectual technologies. It's becoming our map and our clock, our printing press and our typewriter, our calculator and our telephone, and our radio and TV† made me think and realize that Internet really is our life right now. It seems that we can find, watch, hear, calculate, and even make anything through the Internet. However, it makes me shiver because it turns out that Internet really overwhelm our life, and at some point it can control our life.Hypothetically, when Internet overcomes our life, we start to see it as something that we cannot live without. As a result, people will use Internet all the time without even realize that it has become something that they can let go. I really like when Cascio wrote, â€Å"And then there’s the question of stability: Would you want a chip in your head made by the same folks that made your cell phone, or your PC? † because it made me envision that some point, there is going to be a time when our brain are liken to the technologies.It means that one day we are no different with robots that human measured based on the mo st recent and most sophisticated machine. It also reminded us that it is true that we need technologies, but on the other hand it is also important for us as human that we also value our capability by using our brains more than we use technology. Eventually, there is a question occurs in my head, what if we are no longer can use our brain to think and do small things by ourselves because we already get used to use technology? What will the world be if that happens?

Thursday, January 9, 2020

The Theme Of Tradition In Shirley Jacksons The Lottery

DEATH BY TRADITION Henry James once said, â€Å"It takes an endless amount of history to make a little tradition.† In the short story, â€Å"The Lottery,† by Shirley Jackson deals with the insignificant nature of humanity when it comes to traditions. Today when one thinks about winning, one does not think about the community or close relatives; one thinks about how one is going to spend the money received. However, in Jackson’s short story, â€Å"The Lottery† represents a human sacrifice by means of stoning with the entire village participating. The lottery is a symbol that explains the rituals, and traditions which drive the community. Throughout the story, tradition plays an important role in the villagers’ lives. Tradition can cause needless†¦show more content†¦In the hands of both the old and the very young, the reader can determine that the lottery will continue to be an accepted tradition by future generations. For the villagers, the black box is very symbolic. Jackson states that â€Å"Mr. Summers spoke frequently to the villagers about making a new box, but no one liked to upset even as much tradition as was represented by the black box.†1 The black box reveals how firmly rooted the villagers are in the lottery’s tradition and how threatening they find the idea of change. The villagers find no reason in keeping the box aside from the vague story about the box’s origins. It is falling apart and shabby in appearance and barely resembles a box, but the villagers take pride in the ritual of the lottery. The villagers believe that if the box is changed their fear of change will become a reality. The black box, where all the names are held and drawn from on the day of the lottery, symbolizes more than one aspect of tradition. For instance, the box shows how little tradition can mean to everyday life; during most of the year, it is simply stashed in a barn or set on a shelf in the Martin grocery store and left the re. However, on June 27th, the day of the lottery, it would seem to be the most important box ever made. It is stated that it is quite odd that even though no one knew the actual origin of the black box†, but the villagers were very reluctant to change what they saw as an essential part of the lotteryShow MoreRelatedSummary On The Allegory Of Shirley Jacksons The Lottery871 Words   |  4 Pages Shirley Jackson’s story â€Å"The Lottery† serves as an allegory regarding humankinds inherent to be cruel and society’s ability to inure to violence. The author’s use of a third-person dramatic narrative combined with strong themes, symbols and irony clearly supports the lesson Jackson was trying to portray. Jackson’s short story shows how easy it is to be hostile when a group of villagers with a herd mentality blindly follow an outdated tradition and that evil knows no boundaries. JacksonRead MoreCompare and Contrast Essay1047 Words   |  5 Pagesâ€Å"Young Goodman Brown† and â€Å"The Lottery† By: Melissa A. Reeves Professor Andrew Smith ENGL 102-B46 LUO Thesis Statement The stories â€Å"The Lottery† and â€Å"Young Goodman Brown† both appear to show that human behavior and judgment can be flawed, even if the person’s intentions appear good to them. There is a level of fear and underlying evil in Puritan settings in both stories. I. Introduction/Statement of Thesis II. Themes and Author’s Purpose A. The Lottery i. Just because somethingRead MoreThe Lottery by Shirley Jackson1764 Words   |  7 Pagesfilled with excitement and eeriness, leaving the reader speechless. The Lottery , a short story written by famous writer Shirley Jackson, created an uproar on June 26, 1948, when it was published in the magazine The New Yorker (Ball). The gothic thriller, set in an unknown time and place, shares the tradition of a small town, a little larger than three hundred people, in which a drawing is held once a year. In this â€Å"Lottery,† each family’s husband draws a slip of paper from a black box. The husbandRead MoreIgnornance of Tradition in The Lottery, by Shirley Jackson1014 Words   |  5 Pages Tradition, defined as the handing down of information, beliefs, and customs by word of mouth or by example from one generation to another without written instruction. (Tradition) Tradition is a core trait of humanity, from the time before recorded history to present , humanity has followed traditions or customs that have been passed down from generation to generation. More often than not communities all over the world blindly follow these practices with little regard to who startedRead MoreThe Lottery By Shirley Jackson931 Words   |  4 PagesIn 1948 Shirley Jackson composed the controversial short story â€Å"The Lottery.† Generally speaking, a title such as â€Å"The Lottery† is usually affiliated with an optimistic outlook. However, Jackson’s approach is quite unorthodox and will surely leave readers contemplating the intent of her content. The story exposes a crude, senseless lottery system in which random villagers are murdered amongst their peers. Essentially, the lottery system counteracts as a form of population control, but negatives easilyRead MoreAnalysis Of Shirley Jacksons The Lottery1303 Words   |  6 PagesKotter, tradition is a very powerful force (qtd. in AZQuotes). In Shirley Jacksons chilling story Th e Lottery, a town celebrates a special custom of stoning people to death every year. Jackson perfectly depicts a possible event that may occur from blindly following tradition without evaluating the purpose or usefulness of it in the first place. Jackson’s use of plot, theme, and symbolism reveal the evil reality of blind faith, tradition, and their consequences. Initially, Jackson’s twisted plotRead MorePsychoanalytic Criticism Of The Lottery999 Words   |  4 PagesIn Shirley Jackson’s â€Å"The Lottery,† the story begins on a sunny day that imposes gossip and frenzy around the town. In this location, they conduct a â€Å"lottery† that involves the families of the town to go into a drawing. Once the drawing is done, the family that is chosen is forced to commence into another lottery between themselves. The winner of the lottery is used as a sacrifice for the town and is pelted by stones thrown from the community, including children. Furthermore, the basis of â€Å"The Lottery†Read MoreSymbolism in The Lottery, by Shirley Jackson Essay example1173 Words   |  5 PagesWhen most people play the lottery today, they think about having wealth. Generally, people who win are happy about it whether they win one dollar or a million. The lottery in our society has grown to support education and it is often worth several million dollars. Usually, the winner of the lottery gains a lot of recognition for the money they win. But what would happen if there was a small town where people held a yearly lottery in which the â€Å"winner† was the member of the town who was not sacrificedRead More, Symbolism, And Themes In The Lottery, By Shirley Jackson1252 Words   |  6 PagesShirley Jackson’s The Lottery, is a realism story that was written for the main purpose of entertainment. Jackson writes about a small village that gathers every year for an event they call â€Å"The Lottery†. Every head of households comes up and draws a slip of paper from the box. Bill Hutchinson draws the first slip of paper with the black dot but Tessie Hutchinson quickly exclaims the lottery is not fair. Mr. Summers then puts five slips of paper back into the box, one for each of the family membersRead MoreEssay on Shirley Jackson and Her Short Stories631 Words   |  3 PagesShirley Jackson’ s stories often had a woman as the central character who was in search of a more important life other than the conventional wife and mother. These characters however were often chastised for their refusal to conform to a woman’s traditional way of life. Much like her characters, throughout Shirley Jackson’s life, she also rejected the idea of fitting into societys perception of a womans role. Shirley Jackson was married to writer and literary critic Stanley Edgar Hyman. Hyman